The Green Budget Coalition brings together 22 leading Canadian environmental organizations to collaboratively develop, refine, and promote a comprehensive set of detailed, strategic recommendations for the annual federal budget.

View our Recommendations for Budget 2024

Recommendations for Budget 2024

The Green Budget Coalition appreciated the major federal funding announcements for climate and nature in Budget 2023 and at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity COP15 in Montreal, and urges the government to continue to seize this opportunity to transform society to address the twin climate and biodiversity crises, create sustainable jobs and ensure enduring prosperity and well-being for all.


Alliance of Canadian Land Trusts
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
Canadian Environmental Law Association
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
Canadian Wildlife Federation
David Suzuki Foundation
Ducks Unlimited Canada
Ecology Action Centre
Friends of the Earth
International Conservation Fund of Canada
International Institute for Sustainable Development
Nature Canada
Nature Conservancy Canada
Pembina Institute
Pollution Probe
West Coast Environmental Law
Wildlife Habitat Canada
Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative