Green Budget Coalition Members Respond to Budget 2024

Protect Land and Ocean Ecosystems

As of December 2022, only 13.6% of Canada’s national terrestrial area, and 14.7% of marine area were protected.95 The number of species at risk continues to climb. Urgent action is needed to deliver on Canada’s commitment to protect at least 30% of land, freshwater and ocean by 2030, and to recover species at risk. Over 40% of the land and ocean that makes up Canada’s commitments is subject to Indigenous title. Much of the required protection progress therefore hinges on recognition by Crown governments of Indigenous jurisdiction and title, and effective co-management of protected land and ocean with Indigenous governments, through cooperative federalism.

The Nature Legacy investment in Budget 2018 committed $1.3 billion over five years to support protection of Canada’s land and freshwater, and recovery of species at risk. This Nature Legacy funding has had significant positive impacts, including support for Indigenous-led conservation initiatives. With that funding sunsetting this year, a renewed and enhanced long-term Nature Legacy investment is needed. Applying the lessons learned over the past five years, a new Nature Legacy investment should expand and optimize support for the critical work of Indigenous partners, other levels of government, and NGOs to implement KMGBF targets focused on permanently protecting and stewarding land, freshwater and wildlife.

Federal investments have also supported significant progress in ocean conservation, including almost $1 billion over five years in Budget 2021. However, additional and longer-term investments are needed to deliver on the ocean components of the KMGBF, in particular to support Target 1 through more effective and integrated Marine Protected Area (MPA) network planning and marine spatial planning (MSP).

Investing in conservation contributes significant environmental and societal benefits.

Green Budget Coalition Members Respond to Budget 2023

Green Budget Coalition Members Respond to Budget 2022