Enormous progress has been made in recognizing and supporting Indigenous leadership in conservation in recent years and federal investments have been critical to this work. Implementing Canada’s commitment to effectively protect at least 30% of land and ocean by 2030 hinges on recognition by Crown governments of Indigenous jurisdiction and title, and effective co-governance and co-management of protected land and ocean with Indigenous governments, through cooperative federalism. Doing this work in a good way takes time, and while the Nature Legacy and Enhanced Nature Legacy investments have been critical to lay a strong foundation for success, renewed and long-term investment is now needed to complete protection and ensure effective stewardship of the many areas identified for protection by Indigenous governments.
In addition to environmental and social benefits, there is strong evidence that investing in protected areas can generate a significant return on investment and help build resilient, diversified local economies, particularly in rural and remote communities.
A renewed Enhanced Nature Legacy investment should prioritize long-term support for Indigenous-led conservation initiatives (Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas and Guardian programs), encourage action by provinces and territories, and support NGOs to help deliver on Canada’s land protection commitment. (Targets 1, 3, 4, 22) [ECCC, PC, HICC]